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Home By Christmas

In Home by Christmas, Major Hugh Howard, a decorated veteran of the Boer War, is assigned to the British Embassy as a military attaché. In July 1914 his idyllic life in Paris is suddenly threaten by the likelihood of war after the Crown Prince of Austro-Hungarian Empire is assassinated by Serb extremists. When war does break out, Hugh foresees what is to come and writes to the Home Office warning them but he’s not listened to. He joins the army on the front line to observe better. In time he finds himself in a trench facing the dangers of German attacks. To fight his anxiety and boredom and to keep himself sane, he dreams of his mistress and hopes to be reunited with her.

His fears are soon proven to be true and he watches helplessly as men die needlessly because generals don't know how to run an industrial war. He doesn't have the answers but knows that there needs to be changes.

His frustrations drive him into front line trenches to experience first hand what the soldiers are dealing with. Daily he faces the danger of being killed, risks being struck down by sicknes due to the abysmal conditions of the trenches; every step is in water and mud. Shell pocked noman's land obstructed by thick coils of barbed wire is a death trap, sheer suicide.

Hugh befriens the section commander Captain Harris and they share a primitive dugout. When they are not fighting or fixing the trench, they smoke andplay cards to chase away the boredom. When the German artillery starts up, they sweat sure that one shell was coming from them.

The war drags on; each day brings more danger and more discomfort. The question on every ones' mind, can anyone survive such a war?

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This book challanged me more than the others I'd writen. I was interested in how the war came about but didn't want to be stuck in writing it to the end. I had to find an off-ramp that made sense. Whether I did or not, I leave for you to judge. I wish you good readings.

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